Sunshine Blogger Award 6.0

(Header image is not mine, I give credit to Maddie)

Hi everyone!☺️

As you’ve probably already guessed, today I am back with my 6th Sunshine Blogger Award nomination (😱), which is from one of my very best blogger friends, the amazing Maddie @ Polaroid Books. Thank you so much, and for those who haven’t checked out her blog yet, you’re 100000% missing out!❤️

The Rules

Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.

Answer the eleven questions that were given to you.

Nominate new blogs to receive the award and give them eleven new questions.

Display the logo on your blog.

Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, my answers to Maddie’s questions!

Which book is your favourite and why?

Dang it! I hate being asked what my favourite book is, it’s like asking a mother to pick between her children. For this reason, I will be naming a few favourites rather than one, which include anything by Morgan Matson or Kiera Cass, Dreamology by Lucy Keating, Stones on a Grave by Kathy Kacer, Looking for Alaska by John Green, Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon, Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, and SO MANY MORE.

If you could invite three fictional characters on vacation, who would they be?

I’ve mentioned this trio before, but I really think they would make great travel friends for me since we have so much in common, so here we go again! I would invite Cath from Fangirl, Penny from Girl Online, and Harriet from Geek Girl to come on vacation with me. With our shyness and love of writing, we would be #SquadGoals!✌️


Have you ever been to an author signing? If not, what author signing would you like to go to?

I went to a Robert Munsch author signing when I was about 5 or 6, but I haven’t been to any signings for YA authors yet, unless you count Kathy Kacer coming to my school and selling and signing books for us.

What are some of your favourite book blogs?

Again, I have SO MANY favourites that if I mentioned them all, it would fill up this whole page, so I decided to just pick 10 favourites (even though there are SO MANY MORE):

  1. My nominator, of course, who was Maddie @ Polaroid Books!
  2. Stephanie @ TeacherOfYA
  3. Ashleigh @ A Frolic Through Fiction
  4. Cait @ Paper Fury
  5. B @ Icebreaker694
  6. Michelle @ A Thousand Lives Lived
  7. Emily @ Rose Read
  8. Beth @ betwixt-the-pages
  9. Louise @ geniereads
  10. Lauren @ wonderless reviews

What was the last book you read? What did you think about it?

As I write this, the last book I read was Nimona by Noelle Stevenson. I guess it was okay; I rated it 3 stars. A review was posted yesterday, so definitely check it out if you want my full opinion on it!


What three songs would you like to see turned into a book?

Hmm… I’ve never thought about this before! I guess I may want to see any song that tells an interesting story as a book, as I’d love to see more backstories as to why celebrities write their songs the way they do.

If you could live in any fictional world, which one would you choose?

Like many other people, I’d probably choose Hogwarts. It just seems like such a cool place, and I would love to have magical powers and have a place like this to use them.


What fictional character do you feel like you relate to the most?

Check out my posse of characters to bring on vacation from question #2, because they are super relatable to me, and I feel like they would make really kindred spirits.

If you could make a dream cast for one of your favorite books, who would play as your favorite character(s)?


Confession time: I barely know any actors!🙊 I don’t watch much TV or movies, and when I do, I don’t really focus on the actors but on the characters. So, I’m leaving this question for the experienced movie directors to answer😉

How long have you been blogging?

I have been blogging for about 7 1/2 months, since April 10th, 2016. It has been a blast so far, and I can’t wait to see where this hobby takes me as I keep going!❤️

How did you learn to love to read?

I have been reading since I was 18 months old, so it was kind of always a love of mine. But from about 3/4 years ago until just last year I was in a huge reading slump, mostly because I just didn’t know what on earth to read! For me, Goodreads changed everything, and got me back into the reading groove.


I nominate…

  1. Keky @ Keky’s Literary World
  2. Shayla @ Disappear From Reality
  3. Madeline @ The SFF Bookshelf
  4. Paper, Words, and Coffee
  5. Lauren/Vanessa @ partner {in} reading
  6. Rebekah @ Bookish Tea Dribbles
  7. Amberley @ A World Made of Books
  8. Bailey @ Fictional Fox
  9. Mia @ the cosy reader
  10. Kate @ Kate Likes Books
  11. Jinan @ All The crannies

Feel free not to participate if you don’t feel like it, I won’t be offended at all☺️. I’m looking  forward to seeing your answers to my questions below:

  1. If your region is currently in spring, what are you doing this summer? Or if not, what did you do this past summer?
  2. How many physical books do you own?
  3. Under what circumstances would you DNF a book?
  4. What was the last movie you saw in theatres? Did you enjoy it?
  5. What are your favourite and least favourite things about blogging?
  6. Tell me a teaser sentence from the book you’re currently reading!
  7. What device do you use to write your blog posts (computer, phone, etc.)?
  8. Tell me a little known fact about you that no other bloggers know.
  9. If you could travel anywhere in the world right this instant, where would you go, and why?
  10. What song is stuck in your head right now? (if any)
  11. Give a shoutout to 5 awesome bloggers, and spread the love like confetti!😊

So tell me, if you could invite 3 characters on vacation, who would they be? What three songs do you think would make for good books? What would be your answers to my questions? Let me know in the comments below.

Au revoir!💜

*Images and gifs are not mine, I found them on Google/Goodreads and I give credit to their creators.*

9 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award 6.0

  1. I’m one of your fave blogs?? Aww, I’m so touched! This made my week!
    I don’t hear that stuff often so thank you! You are a darling and I love reading your blog! It’s so personal and fun! 😘

    Liked by 1 person

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