Blogging Advice Tag


(Photo credits go to Lena)

Hi everyone!😄

Lena @ bookfandom1001 has once again tagged me in one of her creations, and this time, it’s the Blogging Advice Tag. Thanks so much, Lena, and you all must check out her fabulous blog if you haven’t yet!❤️

So, onto les questions!😉

How do you make time to blog?

I basically prioritize it, haha!😂 I don’t write posts during the week as that is when I read and have homework, but over the weekend I usually like to schedule all of the upcoming week’s blog posts. On weekends, I tend to put blogging before reading- I don’t want to let you guys down!


Do you regret blogging?

Umm, is this even a question? Do you think you’d have this on your screen right now if I regretted blogging? Well, to be fair, there are some times when I’m simply just reluctant to blog, but do I regret this new hobby? Not at all!


What are the best things about blogging?

I have a whole post full of these reasons (which you can view here, but FYI, my formatting is horrendous), but I just love getting my bookish opinions out there to a bunch of fellow readers who can actually understand my feelings for books, and I also simply adore the caring community!💞


What are the worst things about blogging?

Two things: time constraints and pressure. I have been feeling the need to get something up on the blog every day, and I feel terrible whenever I miss a day. I know that it’s good to take breaks sometimes, especially when you’re busy with more important things, but this blog is super important to me, and I hate when there are day gaps between my posts!😟

What social media do you recommend creating before starting your blog?

I pretty much created my blog on a whim- I didn’t have any social media created solely for it yet until after I established myself in the community. But if you’re creating a book blog, I do suggest you make a Goodreads account. Comparing books with someone on Goodreads is something I almost always do to make sure I will enjoy following them, and if there is no Goodreads account linked… how will I know their tastes? I don’t have time to go digging around!🙅

What do you do if you need help with your ideas for future posts?

Surprisingly, I haven’t had a shortage of ideas for future posts yet (excluding Top Ten Thursday- my brain is running low on topics!😞 ). This is because I read a lot of books so many of my posts are reviews, and I have also been getting tagged in many different awards and tags.

What is your best post?

I’ll let you guys be the judge of that!😉 What do you think?

What is your worst post? 

Probably one of my first reviews… ugh, I cringe just thinking about them!


How long have you been blogging for? 

I’ve been blogging for about 10 1/2 months now, and there are literally ZERO signs of me stopping!😊


How long will you blog for?

I have no idea right now, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to for a very long time.☺️

I tag…

  1. Breanna @ Recommends Book
  2. Maddie @ Stories and Spoons
  3. Nicole @ A Myriad of Books

If you guys are not up to participating, it’s totally okay with me! I’d still really like to see your answers, though!💞

So tell me, how do you prioritize your time to be able to blog as much as you do? Do you cringe at your first posts? What are your favourite and least favourite things about blogging? Do you (dis)agree with any of my answers? Let me know in the comments below.

Au revoir!💜

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